Friday, September 19, 2014

Free kindle version of "Harvey" now through September 23rd

Get your free kindle version of "Harvey" here:

Looks best on a 7 inch tablet or greater. Of course it pales in comparison to the printed version. ;)

Sunday, April 6, 2014

My first interview =)

My first interview as an author is posted here:

While it was much nicer than a job interview, it was still grueling. Jamie at One More Chapter emailed me the interview questions and all I had to to was type in responses and send them back. Sounds easy right? Well it wasn't. I agonized over my answers. When I thought I had the perfect answer, I ended up changing it. Sometimes I would change an answer several times only to come back to the original answer. But I think I'm happy with the results. If anyone has read it, what are your thoughts?

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Children's Book Review is 6 years old!

To celebrate the 6th anniversary of the Children's Book Review, they are giving away a Kindle Paperwhite. More details here.

While you're there, don't forget to try and win a copy of, "The Tail of a Boy Named Harvey"

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Max Helms: Curse of the Relic

My film noir detective book is off for a second round of editing. Need to finish up the cover soon.

Monday, March 3, 2014

If you have any children in your life, The Childrens Book Review is a really good resource for children's books. They do a lot of giveaways like the one for this little book.The Tail of a Boy Named Harvey Book Giveaway

Friday, February 28, 2014

A little about me...

I am just a simple man who likes to write. This blog will follow my trials and tribulations as i go through the writing\publishing process. I was a film\photography major in college. I've written a few scripts for non profits one being the Elk Grove FFA. I worked on a few movies, the most notable was, "George of the Jungle." I'm am not credited. But I have proof in the form of my check stub. I've shot a few music videos for local bands such as 58 Fury, Moist and The Idlewild. My last script written was for my friend Hutt Wigley. He does amazing stop motion animation with GI Joe styled dolls. It is a film noir detective movie titled, "Max Helms: Curse of the Relic." The movie should be out this summer with the book preceding it in the Spring. My main writing focus is children's books. My first book is titled, "The 'Tail' of a Boy Named Harvey." It's available on Amazon in case you're interested. ;) I'm hoping to have my next two children's books out by the end of the year. So stay tuned for details!

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Well hello there!

Whether you came here on purpose or found it by accident, welcome to my blog!